Content By Month

Explore our archives by monthly theme. Just click on the graphics below to access the full bundle of content for each month, giving you a wholistic approach to the monthly theme.

2025 | Beloved, Child of God

Beloved, Child of God | Content By Month

2024 | Embody Friendship With Jesus

If you’ve been in the church for a while, you may have heard the phrase, being a friend of God. And you may have pondered what that really means. This year, we’re stepping into Gospel stories to imagine and embody what it would be like to be with Jesus in these moments. We will explore familiar gospel stories in a new way, discovering that God’s love and presence with us is not based on our success or correctness, but on His faithfulness.

Blessed Are Those | 2023 Yearly Graphic

2023 | Blessed Are Those

These are Jesus’ opening words in his initial public sermon (known as the Sermon on the Mount). Many of Jesus’ teachings (including quite a few we’ve studied over the years here in The Yoga Abbey) are mysterious. But in this teaching, Jesus lays out clearly what it looks like to be someone who doesn’t just do the right things but whose character is transformed by the Spirit of God. If the Ten Commandments were about what we should do or not do, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is about who we are and who we are becoming.

Praying the Psalms _2022 Theme

2022 | Praying the Psalms

The Psalms draw us into the deepest parts of our human experience. Within these poems are invitations to consider the glories of creation, explosions of joy, venting of anger, heartbreak, wonder, mystery, awe, worship—it’s all there connecting us to the heart of our Creator. When we have no words to speak to God, The Psalms give voice to our anguish and desperation. When we feel all our senses tingling with joy and gratitude, The Psalms echo our soul-deep praise.

Divine Encounters_2021 Theme

2021 | Divine Encounters

There are many stories in the Bible of an individual encountering the Divine but the result is always the same – an indelible mark, a lasting change, a deeper revelation. It doesn’t take much digging to discover that these Divine Encounters are not limited to specific holy people but are initiated by God on our behalf, no matter how qualified we think we are.

2020 | Sacred Spaces

We spent time exploring Sacred Spaces and came to know the revelation that this is holy ground. We leaned into these spaces to remind us that we don’t have to place ourselves in a physical Abbey to be swept up in awe and worship. But we experienced that this moment, here and now, is infused with God’s presence, not because of our effort, but because of God’s grace.

2019 | Year of Parables

Like a pilgrim setting out to climb a mountain, we set out together to circle the mysterious, enigmatic, shocking, and challenging stories Jesus told while He walked this earth. Parables were the means Jesus used most frequently to talk about the kingdom of God and so we dive below the surface and sit with these stories for an entire year.

2018 | Year of Creation

The Abbey was founded in June, 2018 and we spent our first seven months exploring the seven “days” of creation.