December 2023 30 min Power Flow

December: 30 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Anne Gardner, a member of the Yoga Abbey’s Leaders’ Wing. Anne lives with her family in Toronto, Canada where she practices and teaches yoga.  She is a graduate of the Abbey’s Embodied  Sequencing course.  You can connect with Anne via email. Anne leads us through a hip opening flow that explores…

December 2023 60 min Power Flow

December: 60 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Anne Gardner, a member of the Yoga Abbey’s Leaders’ Wing. Anne lives with her family in Toronto, Canada where she practices and teaches yoga.  She is a graduate of the Abbey’s Embodied  Sequencing course.  You can connect with Anne via email. Anne leads us through a hip opening flow that explores…

November 30 min Power Flow

November: 30 Minute Power Flow

This Power Flow practice is guided by The Yoga Abbey’s Director of Training, Amber Jaworsky. You can connect further with Amber by subscribing to her monthly newsletter, or by following her on Instagram. Flow with Amber through a dynamically sequenced 30-minute power yoga class. This class starts out slow, with a rich meditation on Matthew 5:10, and then…

November 2023 60 min Power Flow

November: 60 Minute Power Flow

This Power Flow practice is guided by The Yoga Abbey’s Director of Training, Amber Jaworsky. You can connect further with Amber by subscribing to her monthly newsletter, or by following her on Instagram. Flow with Amber through a dynamically sequenced 60-minute power yoga class. This class starts out slow, with a rich meditation on Matthew 5:10, and then…

October 2023 20 min Power Flow

October: 20 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Jamie Terry, a Leader in The Yoga Abbey. Jamie teaches Anatomy and Physiology in The Yoga Abbey’s Yoga Teacher Training program. She also works as a 1:1 Movement Coach utilizing her training and skills in yoga, biomechanics, and functional movement. Her mission as a teacher and a coach is to foster…

September: 30 Minute Power Flow

September: 30 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Kelly McLellan, a Leader in The Yoga Abbey. Kelly is a free-lance yoga teacher trainer and founder of Getting Still ™ an educational platform offering classes, courses, and continuing education studying the intersections of yoga philosophy, meditation, and the Christian theology. Find free resources on her website or connect with her on Instagram. Kelly mindfully…

September 60 min Power Flow

September: 60 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Kelly McLellan, a Leader in The Yoga Abbey. Kelly is a free-lance yoga teacher trainer and founder of Getting Still ™ an educational platform offering classes, courses, and continuing education studying the intersections of yoga philosophy, meditation, and the Christian theology. Find free resources on her website or connect with…

August 2023 60 min Power Flow

August: 60 Minute Power Flow

Emma Timms lives on the east coast of Scotland in the UK with her husband Jon, 4 children, dog and cat! She is a Yoga and Pilates teacher and runs an online community of contemplative practice and movement called the Prayer Orchard. She and her husband lead a 24/7 Prayer community called Discovery Church and…

August 2023 30 min Power Flow

August: 30 Minute Power Flow

Emma Timms lives on the east coast of Scotland in the UK with her husband Jon, 4 children, dog and cat! She is a Yoga and Pilates teacher and runs an online community of contemplative practice and movement called the Prayer Orchard. She and her husband lead a 24/7 Prayer community called Discovery Church and…

July 60 Min Power Flow

July: 60 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Alison Cox, a Leader in The Yoga Abbey. You can connect with Alison on Instagram. Alison guides us through a balancing flow toward Extended-Hand-to-Big-Toe and encourages us to recognize where and how we’ve received the mercy of God, Jesus Christ, in our lives. We are reminded that when we can acknowledge…

June 2023 60 Min Power Flow

June: 60 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Caroline Williams, the Founder of The Yoga Abbey. You can connect with Caroline on Instagram and on her website. Caroline guides us in a balancing, core strengthening, twisting practice with permission to modify as you move, allowing your practice to evolve and meet your body where it is today. Caroline offers reflections on…

May 2023 25 Min Power Flow

May: 25 Minute Power Flow

This practice is guided by Jamie Terry, a Leader in The Yoga Abbey. Jamie teaches Anatomy and Physiology in The Yoga Abbey’s Yoga Teacher Training program. She also works as a 1:1 Movement Coach utilizing her training and skills in yoga, biomechanics, and functional movement. Her mission as a teacher and a coach is to…