March Lectio Divina

March: Lectio Divina Beginning

This Lectio Divina practice is guided by Caroline Williams, the Founder of The Yoga Abbey. You can connect with Caroline on Instagram and on her website. Psalm 88, MSG 13But I cry to you for help, Lord;   in the morning my prayer comes before you. 14 Why, Lord, do you reject me    and hide your face from me? 15 From my youth I have suffered and…

March Lectio Divina

March: Lectio Divina Hard Season

This Lectio Divina practice is guided by Caroline Williams, the Founder of The Yoga Abbey. You can connect with Caroline on Instagram and on her website. Psalm 88, MSG 13But I cry to you for help, Lord;   in the morning my prayer comes before you. 14 Why, Lord, do you reject me    and hide your face from me? 15 From my youth I have suffered and…

July Meditation 2022 Thumbnail

July: Meditation

This meditation is guided by Caroline Williams, the Founder of The Yoga Abbey. You can connect with Caroline on Instagram and on her website. Caroline invites us to pray with her a prayer of adoration to the Trinitarian nature of God. The prayer, Psalm to the Three in One, is by Carla Groesh Miller and…

July 2022 Lectio Divina

July: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina is guided by Caroline Williams, the Founder of The Yoga Abbey. You can connect with Caroline on Instagram and on her website. Psalm 147:7-11 New Living Translation 7 Sing out your thanks to the Lord;    sing praises to our God with a harp.8 He covers the heavens with clouds,    provides rain for the earth,    and makes the grass…

June 2022 Lectio Divina

June: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina practice is guided by Whitney Simpson, a Leader in The Abbey. You can connect with Whitney on her website. Psalm 51:10-12 Common English Bible Translation 10 Create a clean heart for me, God;    put a new, faithful spirit deep inside me!11 Please don’t throw me out of your presence;    please don’t take your holy spirit away…