May: Lectio Divina

May: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina practice is brought to you by Laura Di Panfilo, a Leader in The Abbey. You can connect with Laura on Instagram. Here she helps us journey deeper into the heart of the parable for this month.  Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose…

April: Lectio Divina

April: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina practice is brought to you by Krista Fleming, a Leader in The Abbey. You can connect with Krista on Facebook or Instagram. Here she helps us journey deeper into the heart of the parable for this month.  “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it,…

February: Meditation

February: Meditation

This meditation is brought to you by Krista Fleming, a Leader in The Abbey and yoga teacher. You can connect with Krista on Instagram @kristajoyfleming. She helps us focus in on God’s abundant love for us. The Father loves the Son extravagantly. He turned everything over to him so he could give it away—a lavish…

October: Lectio Divina

October: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina practice is brought to you by Melissa, a Leader in The Abbey and a Spiritual Director. You can connect with Melissa on her website and on Instagram @create_space_melissa. God spoke: “Swarm, Ocean, with fish and all sea life! Birds, fly through the sky over Earth!” God created the huge whales, all the swarm…

October: Meditation

October: Meditation

This meditation is brought to you by Melissa, a Leader in The Abbey and a Spiritual Director. You can connect with Melissa on her website and on Instagram @create_space_melissa. In this meditation, Melissa leads us through the practice of “Centering Prayer.”

September: Lectio Divina

September: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina practice is brought to you by Melissa, a Leader in The Abbey and a Spiritual Director. You can connect with Melissa on her website and on Instagram @create_space_melissa. And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as…

September: Meditation

September: Meditation

This meditation is brought to you by Melissa, a Leader in The Abbey and a Spiritual Director. You can connect with Melissa on her website and on Instagram @create_space_melissa. In this practice, Melissa guides us to meditate on this question:  How much of our busyness distracts us from the rhythm God created for our lives?

August: Lectio Divina

August: Lectio Divina

This Lectio Divina practice is brought to you by Melissa, a Leader in The Abbey and a Spiritual Director. You can connect with Melissa on her website and on Instagram @create_space_melissa. To the one who follows God’s ways…He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of…

August: Meditation

August: Meditation

This meditation is a guided Prayer of Examen brought to you by Melissa, a Leader in The Abbey and a Spiritual Director. You can connect with Melissa on her website and on Instagram @create_space_melissa. Prayer of Examen Steps Become aware of God’s presence with you. Review your day with gratitude. Pay attention to your emotions from…