Embody Love Easy Seat with Hands Over Heart

Embody Love
Yoga Challenge

A FREE 7-Day embodiment experience for all bodies

January 23 – 29, 2025

What could happen if you did yoga everyday…

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means to unite, or yoke together. Sometimes that happens on our mats, moving our bodies, and sometimes that happens sitting in prayerful stillness.

And sometimes the closest we get to yoga is writing it on our to-do list or pinning it on our vision board for 2025. It’s something we really want to do because we know how good it makes us feel when we do. But who has the time? Or the energy?  

Maybe you find yourself stumbling into the new year, exhausted, stretched thin, weighed down by life – job loss, illness, constant caretaking of young kids or elderly parents, broken car, or the very real stress of juggling all this amidst the immense suffering happening around the world.

Doing yoga once a week, or even everyday, is not the cure for all that ails us. But Jesus is.

Abiding in Jesus, the One who abides with us, gives us the strength, grace, and faith to keep going when we feel we have nothing more to give.

Here in The Yoga Abbey, we choose to do yoga with Jesus at the center. And we’ve found that when we do step on our mats, for even 5 minutes, we feel better. Our anxiety feels less sharp, our racing thoughts slow down, the heaviness begins to lift. We remember that Love dwells with us, as close as our breath, and all Jesus asks us to do is come.

We want to help you take yoga or prayer from something you feel like you “should” do, to something that feels as familiar and welcoming as a good deep breath.

Hope in Savasana with Bible

Join us for a brand new, FREE, 7-day challenge to help you embody Love at the start of this new year!

This free challenge is open to everyone! 

Remember how yoga isn’t just physical movement? Just like prayer doesn’t always have to happen according to a script or in awkward silence. Each day of this challenge will feature either a yoga class or guided prayer meditation anywhere from 10-30 minutes in length. The yoga classes offer lots of ways to modify the shapes so they can be accessible and feel good in your body. And the meditation practices can be done lying in your bed, sitting in the car in the school pick up line, or while you’re out for a walk.

Learning to embody love isn’t something reserved for people with lots of time, gymnast-level flexibility, or calm demeanors. God meets us where we are, as we are. Each of these daily practices invites us into a deeper, more embodied knowing, of Love’s presence within and around us.

Embody Love Yoga Challenge Daily Schedule


Day 1 | Thursday, January 23: Yoga Class with Caroline Williams {30 mins}

Join Caroline live as she kicks off our weeklong journey with a gentle yoga practice. This 30-minute class will help ground you in the truth of God’s abiding presence with a focus on compassionate movement and deep breathing.

Day 2 | Friday, January 24: Guided Lectio Divina Practice with Sarah Nugent {10 mins}

Lectio Divina is the practice of listening to the Word and holding silence to listen to what the Holy Spirit wants to highlight. Join Sarah for this on-demand practice through Luke 5:1-11.

Sarah Nugent

Day 3 | Saturday, January 25: Slow Flow Class with Dimitra Vasilopoulos {30 mins}

In this on-demand class, Dimitra leads us through a thoughtful warmup of our shoulders and hips as we make our way towards variations of Eagle. Along the way, we’ll contemplate friendship with Jesus as well as those things we hold close (and that may hold us back from full intimacy) as well as the joy and freedom that await when we choose to open up, let go and follow Jesus, not only as Lord and Savior, but in the true intimacy of friendship.

Day 4 | Sunday, January 26: Guided Meditation Practice with Sarah Nugent {15 mins}

In this on-demand practice, Sarah leads us through a meditative reflection and breath prayer centered around stepping beyond our own capacity in faith into the limitless capacity of Jesus. She reads from 2 Peter 1:3-4.

Embody Love Easy Seat Image
Kelly McLellan 2022

Day 5 | Monday, January 27: Power Flow Class with Kelly McLellan {30 mins}

In this accessible and on-demand class, Kelly will mindfully lead you through this month’s practice with slow, powerful movements, including a series of hip mobilizers and some core & glute strengtheners.

Day 6 | Tuesday, January 28: Walking Meditation

Take one of our meditations with you on a walk! To move and meditate can be such a powerful thing – by linking forward motion to our thoughts and emotions. Select either the Lectio Divina or Meditation to reflect on again, or just enjoy a walk in silence with Jesus.

crescent lunge
Melissa Reed 2022

Day 7 | Wednesday, January 29: Journaling Event with Melissa Reed {20 mins}

Join Melissa for a time of guided journaling to help you notice God’s presence with you over the course of the last week. Whether you’re an avid or reluctant journaler, Melissa will help you listen for the heart of God in a new and powerful way.

Stay for Day 8 | Thursday, January 30 at 12:30pm ET: Live Event to Celebrate & Reflect with Kelly McLellan {30 mins yoga practice + 30 mins of community connection and sharing}

Let’s conclude our challenge with a live event, bringing our journey full circle as we reflect on and celebrate all that we’ve learned. In our gathering, you’ll experience a community where you can share, connect, and be inspired as a community of Beloved children of God; reaffirm your identity as a reflection of God’s love; and practice self-love rooted in His truth, mercy, and grace. The 30 minute yoga practice replay will be available to members after the live event.

Embody Love Easy Seat Image


Embody Love Yoga Challenge

Not A Yoga Abbey Member?

Join for this FREE WEEK to access all the challenge material PLUS the entire Yoga Abbey library!

Paid Membership will automatically start January 30

(You may cancel at any time)

  • Enjoy 4 Jesus-centered yoga classes
  • 3 Guided Prayer Meditations
  • 1 Guided Journaling session
  • Reflect on how LOVE is showing up in your life
  • Access to the Embody Love Pilgrimage and ALL Yoga Abbey content with membership

All purchases are final.

Not a Yoga Abbey Member yet?
Click here to join and get instant access to hundreds of yoga practices + exclusive savings!

Have a Question?

How will I access the Embody Love Yoga Challenge?

The Embody Love Pilgrimage will have it’s on webpage. We’ll email the pilgrimage webpage link to you on Day 1, January 23 of the challenge. The Embody Love Pilgrimage may also be found within our themed pilgrimages.

What equipment do I need?

You’ll want to have a device to connect to The Yoga Abbey website, journal and pen, yoga mat, blanket, and any other props you like

What if I miss a session?

Not a problem! You’ll have access to the pilgrimage as long as you are a member of The Yoga Abbey.

Do I have to be on camera for the live events?

Nope! You’re certainly welcome to but you’re welcome regardless of how you show up that day.

Seven days of embodied practices to usher in the presence of Love in your everyday life