The Yoga Sessions: New Year, Beloved You

with Caroline Williams

6 Recorded Sessions

Register for our FREE event!

Bridge into the New Year – or any new season of life – in an embodied way…

What if you started this new phase of your life rested instead of frenetic? Grateful instead of overwhelmed? Surrendered instead of “strong”?

Rather than cramming all our reflection and intention setting into one workshop or mini retreat, what if we took our time, surrendering to the slow work of God unfolding within and around us?

Join Caroline Williams for this first-ever six-session series focused on dreaming with God through contemplative prayer and gentle yoga.

Each Session, we’ll pause for one hour to:

>> examine the rhythm and pace of our lives

>> reflect on what we experienced over the last year

>> connect with the limits and the longings of our bodies

>> revisit an ongoing conversation with Love about the dreams of our hearts

>> set a course for your next season that feels deeply true 

This is not New Year, New You! This is not yoga for weight loss. This is slow, easeful, and attentive.

Introducing, New Year, Beloved You: A 6-session yoga series

Featuring an hour of guided, prayerful journaling and gentle, Jesus-centered yoga, these sessions are designed to help you reflect, connect, and dream intimately with God for the new season ahead.

Sign up for individual sessions or all 6 and get one free!

Yoga Abbey Members save 30%

Each session will include a gentle yoga practice with some focused breathwork and a grounding meditation. Depending on the session, either before or after our movement practice, I’ll guide you through a contemplative prayer practice and journaling exercise to help you integrate and reflect.

Session 1: Arriving As I Am

Imaginative Prayer

Who are you? Where are you? How are you today? This opening session will use imaginative prayer to help you experience yourself seen and known by God just as you are. Our gentle yoga time will focus on movements that help to ground and enliven us, rebuilding the internal places that have been depleted by the over-stimulation and big demands of every day life.

Session 2: Dismantling Illusions

Prayer of Examen

“Few things are more difficult to discern and dismantle than our most cherished illusions,” writes David Benner. Using the Prayer of Examen we’ll strive to take an honest look at the year prior and surrender our illusions about it. What must we grieve? What must we celebrate? What must we surrender? This session will be all about looking back and bringing to light the hidden things of the past year.

Session 3: Seeing With God’s Eyes

Breath Prayer

Seeing yourself as God sees you – Beloved – is essential to crafting meaningful intentions and goals for the next season. If not, we’ll set goals based on our vain attempts to find success, approval, or belonging based on our efforts. 

Who does God say you are? What is God’s heart for you for the year ahead? How are you meant to draw on Heaven’s strength instead of your own?

These are the questions we’ll reflect on as we utilize breath prayer to soften our hearts, minds, and bodies to dream God dreams.

Session 4: Dreaming With The Giver of Dreams

Visio Divina

After all this foundational heart work, we’re ready to gaze into the new season ahead with open hands and a willing heart. What dreams and desires are stirring in your heart? Where might God be leading you outside your comfort zone?

We’ll use the practice of Visio Divina (Sacred Seeing) to help us listen for God’s invitation to trust Him with the deepest desires of our heart and envision what could be possible when we partner with Him.

Session 5: Being With The Unknown

Silent Meditation

One of the biggest challenges when casting vision for a new season is the “but how?!” question. Often God dreams ask more of us than we have – more faith, more skills, and more connections. So in this session, we’ll ask ourselves and God, “What do I need?” We’ll get real practical and break down one of our goals or intentions into next steps and use the practice of silent meditation to help us be with the discomfort of not knowing and not having everything we need. 

Session 6: Step Into A Season of Belovedness

Imaginative Prayer

For our final session we’ll return to the practice of imaginative prayer and pay close attention to what’s unfolded over the past six sessions. We have not crafted our intentions or goals in a vacuum but in the midst of our full lives. What has risen to the surface over these last weeks? What expectations need to be adjusted or surrendered? From a place of rest we’ll step into a new season with a deep well of inner strength and Belovedness.


New Year, Beloved You Yoga Sessions

$150 {$100 for Members}

  • Experience five different contemplative prayer practices
  • Connect with your body and breath through gentle yoga movement
  • Reflect on your last season with prayerful intentionality
  • Vision cast for a new season from a place of embodiment
  • Access to the session recording(s) forever!
  • Register for the entire Yoga Sessions and get one session FREE!

All purchases are final.

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Have a Question?

How will I access the sessions?

The sessions are pre-recorded and live in a private dashboard that you can log in to and access anywhere, anytime. Upon registration, you’ll receive an email with your login information.

What equipment do I need?

You’ll want to have a journal and pen, yoga mat, blanket, and any other props you like.

How long do I have access to the sessions?

You’ll have access to the replay in your own private dashboard forever. You can watch them on-demand over and over!

Do I have to be on camera?

Nope! These are pre-recorded sessions, so there is no need to be on camera.

Surrender to the slow work of God within and around you